
天麟學校 Summer Course 藝術設計創意暑期課程的上課時間是6月至8月。同學既可以把握暑假做自己喜歡的事,又可以增值自己。藝術設計創意暑期課程訓練你的創作技巧之餘,又可以結識一班志同道合的朋友。
This year Chamberlain Institute runs the summer course from June to July. Students can utilize the time to do things that you like, but at the same time to enrich yourself in art and design. Art and design summer course not only trains your creative skills, you will also meet new friends who share the same interest.
暑期課程適合對藝術創作抱有熱誠的學生。課程的重點在於培育學生的創作能力,發掘學生的創作潛能,啓發學生的創意。導師將會教導學生藝術設計的過程,如何製作具創意的作品和作品集重要的元素。課程將以藝術設計項目為主導 (project-based),鼓勵學生跳出傳統藝術設計的框架,勇於嘗試不同的物料及媒體,從不同的試驗中獲得啓發,並為學生將來繼續進修插畫、純美術、時裝、建築、室內、珠寶、產品或平面設計等範疇打好基礎。
The summer course is suitable for young aspiring art & design students. The course focuses on nurturing creativity, discovering students’ potential and inspiring innovative ideas. Instructors teach students the art and design process to produce creative works and develop elements that are essential to a portfolio. The course emphasizes project-based learning, thus our instructors encourage students to create beyond tradition, to experiment with different materials and media, to be inspired in the creative process. It also helps lay a foundation for students’ future studies in different art and design fields such as illustration, fine art, fashion, architectural, interior, jewellery, product or graphic design, etc.
6月 – 8月
Date 日期 |
Date of Week 星期 |
Time 時間 |
Duration 為期 |
Location 地點 |
16/06/2025 – 27/06/2025 |
Monday to Friday 星期一至五 *公眾假期將安排補課 |
10am to 4pm |
2 week 2星期 |
Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon) 天麟學校 (西九龍) |
30/06/2025 – 11/07/2025 |
Monday to Friday 星期一至五 *公眾假期將安排補課 |
10am to 4pm |
2 week 2星期 |
Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon) 天麟學校 (西九龍) |
28/07/2025 – 08/08/2025 |
Monday to Friday 星期一至五 *公眾假期將安排補課 |
10am to 4pm |
2 week 2星期 |
Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon) 天麟學校 (西九龍) |
11/08/2025 – 22/08/2025 |
Monday to Friday 星期一至五 *公眾假期將安排補課 |
10am to 4pm |
2 week 2星期 |
Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon) 天麟學校 (西九龍) |

Throughout the short period of two weeks, I learned a lot of new methods and techniques and managed to implement it with the help of the tutors. This is very helpful as I could use the taught material and procedures for future use in Uni and my career.

The summer projects these two weeks have been really fun and interesting, especially when we get to experiment with new and different techniques to develop our final outcome. it helped a lot my creative thinking and made me look at things from different perspectives, I hope to take this experience away and apply these concepts and methods in more projects in the future!

Over the two weeks, I found the course very interesting as we explored a range of mediums to help generate ideas. I enjoyed that I was able to try out these techniques and apply them to my own area of interest. Overall, it was a great experience guiding me for future projects.